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Are Briquettes Healthier than Logs?

All things considered, when we take a gander at current realities, the short response is “yes, absolutely”. Wood Briquettes are superior to logs for the accompanying 6 reasons…

They’re cost-effective

Wood briquettes produce more hotness than logs and consume for longer, making them plainly a ‘hot arrangement’. Creating around half more hotness than customary logs, Sawdust Briquette can consume for to 3 hours, while our Night Briquettes can consume for up to 8 hours. Comparable to utilizing 3 or 4 conventional logs, Sawdust Briquettes are a greatly improved decision for warming your home with regards to setting aside cash.

They’re better for the climate

Produced using 100 percent unadulterated hardwood birch sawdust, Sawdust Briquettes are totally compound free and economically obtained with no trees being chopped down all the while.

They produce less wreck

Wood briquette just leaves around 0.3% of their unique volume as debris. This implies you won’t have to clear out the oven as frequently as you would while involving logs as fuel. As wood briquettes consume cleaner than logs, they cause fewer issues with log flumes and stacks, which again implies you’re probably going to set aside cash that could somehow or another need to go towards employing a fireplace clear and other support costs.

They require insignificant participation

Sawdust Briquette is intended to burst into flames rapidly and when lit doesn’t should be moved around. Truth be told, to ensure a more drawn-out consume time, we really suggest not moving the briquette whenever they’ve begun consuming. As referenced above, wood briquettes will consume for quite a long time, and as they don’t spit or grow you can simply enjoy the moment in the glow without stressing over going to consistently to the fire.

They’re more straightforward to store and deal with

Negligible participation isn’t the main manner by which wood briquettes make life simpler than utilizing wooden logs. Their predictable shape and size make wood briquettes simple to store minimalistically without the enormous space expected to store a heap of logs. Sawdust Briquette and Night Briquette are likewise bundled in little individual groups meaning you possibly need to take out what you want when you really want it.

They’re more adaptable

Wood briquette is reasonable for both indoor and open-air use. They can be utilized in chimneys, chimineas, and multi-fuel ovens as well as on open flames. Briquette works 100 percent successfully as the principle wellspring of fuel anyway can likewise be utilized to improve customary fires. Furthermore, Sawdust Briquettes are ideally suited for use close by other Lekto wood powers, for example, our Hardwood Heat Logs.


Read more Do Briquettes Burn Longer than Wood?

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